Cronulla, Australia, January 31st, 2009

Ceremony is at 5pm, Bass and Flinder's Point. We have decided on a reception at The Nun's Pool!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

August 2007

Ok, August was a very eventful month. Mike and I returned to Seattle, sort of. Still living out of our backpacks and plane jumping throughout the continental US, we lead a hectic schedule, especially for the relaxed one we were so acclimated to. Between family reunions and Mike asking me to marry him in front of my dad, some big changes were about to transpire! I have all these eventful photos, yet my sporadic computer use has caused me to slow down on the updates.

I did manage to record Orcas Roll 2007, which was once again a complete blast, and seemingly ever expanding event, with 30 adults and 14 children! I felt very honored as Didiere, our Steve Braun Memorial Triathlon host sang and danced along to the Jellyfish Song as promised in an earlier discussion.

Jaime and company smiling at the views of Mt Baker on our way to Orcas.
Our mighty hosts.
The Jav is looking just a little too sneaky.
I may have actually won the triathlon last year, according to Laurette. She was 7-1/2 months pregnant at the time.
The ever famous "JELLYFISH SONG"!

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