Cronulla, Australia, January 31st, 2009

Ceremony is at 5pm, Bass and Flinder's Point. We have decided on a reception at The Nun's Pool!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Octopus Whisperer

Diving fiercly (literally) into the fishing scene, our 3rd evening on the road was rewarded with an ocotpus! After hours of trying to snag some bream or whiting, I was indulged with the 8 legged beast. Given their muscles reflexes, a dead octopus doesn't entirely mean a still octopus, and the first one I caught was an emotionally disturbing experience in part. However, Mike was a champ and happily skinned, chopped, marinated, and cooked up our second seafood dinner we would earn (the first being the lobster!).
We spent a very special 2 days in Bittangabee Bay in the Ben Boyd National Park, and very quiet and empty campground deep in the national park, thick with giant lizards and stalking possums. With great snorkling, I had no idea I would come across yet another octopus, which was quite a surprise meeting eye to eye under water! After fishing for almost 2 days and catching nothing legal, I was determined to have more earned seafood, even if it meant another 8 legged squirmy octopus. He gladly took up my bait, however broke my line. I didn't want him to die for no cause (and my tummy ached for more fish...), so I felt I needed to at least retrieve the bait. With a knife in my mouth, snorkle, and Mike's assistance, I battled with the octopus underwater and coerced him to our bucket. Being professionals at this point, the catching, cleaning, and eating was a far smoother process and great eating! -Heather

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